30 September 2012

that's the way it's always been

  There is no doubt in my mind. President Obama is going to win re-election in November. Already the polls say he's leading Mitt Romney even in several states that typically go Republican.

  Why am I sure? Well, we still have a deficit, more specifically a war debt. So Obama gets another four years, then Biden (Bob says, no, Biden's pretty old. Okay, he'll cede it to someone else, but still another Democrat), and so forth till the mid-east wars are paid for and the US is once again in the black...

  ...and then a Republican will win, drag us into another war, into a deficit, and once the war is close to done Democrats will win for long enough to pay for it.

  lather, rinse, repeat repeat repeat.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I don't know yet who I'll vote for... I'm not thrilled with either party...