03 November 2011

Needs a walking, talking calendar.

So all day today I've been be-bopping along in Friday mode. I shut off the alarms at 5 and at 6AM, which I keep set because some day I hope to continue my thru-the-week early wakeup into the weekend, so as to get more done on weekends. My two hours between 5 and 7 on weekday mornings are possibly my most productive two hours of the week.

I drowsed through two phone calls --one from neighbor, another from someone breaking the do-not-call rules-- finally getting up at 10:30. Found the back door open, which is probably what neighbor was calling about (no answer when I called back). I must have left it unlatched the last time I brought in wood for the stove, and then the wind blew it open.

Went through the normal morning routine, but at a slower pace: Wash dishes, feed the cats, make caffeine, feed myself, clean off counter tops, check email, dose Klutz' ear infection, clean litter boxes. Did my "daily challenge" exercise and also a half hour of beginner belly dancing from YouTube videos. A nice workout.

Then into Friday mode: pay bills, both paper and online, clean off desk, clean out email, check account balances. Pick a spot to begin and clean house. Today I grabbed the paper towels and windex and began in the kitchen - windows, microwave door, oven door, move into the bathroom: mirrors, windows, then into the living room: monitors, TV screen, windows. Outside onto the front porch, outside living- and bed-room windows. Back inside, bedroom, back bathroom windows. A quick swipe through the stove room - kitty sneezes on the windows that have wide sills, polish the big mirror.

Switch from windex to laundry: new sheets onto the bed, empty hamper and dryer, put away clean stuff, wash the dirty stuff (only one load of clothes to wash - I've been good about keeping up with all but "putting away" during the week), then sweep floors beginning with the back bathroom, through bedroom, living room, hall, bathroom, kitchen. Time out to enjoy the fall weather - sweep the front porch and steps. Sweep spider webs from rails and porch furniture, consider a coat of paint here and there.

Add in a little straightening and de-cluttering throughout the house along the way - shake out this blanket, fold that one, cover chair, fluff pillows. Armfuls of stuff from bedroom into the rooms they belong in - hair ties, nail clippers to the bathroom, books and knitting to the living room: paper plate and drinking glass from living room to kitchen sink.

School books and papers scattered everywhere, it's no wonder I never know where anything is. Sweep stoveroom, first with broom, then sweeper, last with vacuum. Throw away vacuum bag, find fresh one. Empty trash. Another walk outside, trash bags to the curb hopper. Make note of yardwork that needs doing - clipping, pruning, weeds to pull, grass to cut. When's there time for all this?

Empty compost. Empty ashes from wood stove. Neighbor drives by, on the way home. Wave. Back into house, phone neighbor - "Hey, I'm returning your call."

She says, "yeah, Mike was wondering if you're all right."

"Sure, I figured he called because my door was open. Guess I didn't latch it last time I went out for firewood last night."

"Well, he was wondering... since you didn't go to school, your car was still there and it looked like the door was open."

"I don't have school on Fridays."

"Today's Thursday."

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