04 April 2007

red sweater - another attempt

I'm a few rows into the red sweater, the front I think. I really should plan these things... Decided I need 160 stitches on US #6 needles, so I've cast on 80. Since I don't have enough yarn (do I see a pattern here?) I'm doing an --I hope-- subtle stripe with another red. I wonder if varying the stripe will fool the eye into seeing more of an hourglass figure?

I want to do some aran work on this, and looking through my new Woodland Woolworks catalogue last night saw some patterns I can take inspiration from, and some even start not-at-the-bottom (planning, I tell ya. planning is a must for one who hates to frog a project)

Oh yeah, the title, 'another attempt,' refers to the fact I began this sweater over a year ago (over two years?), when it was going to be the Lion Brand Mystery turtleneck. This incarnation it's a t-shirt.

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