05 April 2013


 Finally some good news to report. Today th'Mr opened his eyes and was tracking me and nurses around the room with them. Then E, the LPN we both really like, got him started on ice chips.

 Letssee... he went in the hospital Wednesday afternoon. He'd been pretty much unresponsive since Tuesday bedtime. So I called the EMTs to come get him, after talking to the VA nurse and Dr W's nurse also. Before that, on Sunday, I had them bring him to the hospital for stitches in his forehead. That was Sunday the 29th. He'd just been discharged Friday the 27th, from ten days in with pneumonia.

 I kind of feel like I talked him back from somewhere this time. He was very sleepy. He's still sleepy, but he seems to be catching up, after sleeping for 3 solid days lol.

 Oh, and I whacked all my hair off Tuesday. Maybe that sent him into shock and he's been sleeping it off ever since. I shortened it some more today. The back of my neck is shaved.

 We have 12 cats again. K down the road found a tabby kitten that lives here now. She's called Tuffy, is about 5 months old and very tough. Has a tuft on her nose.

 So there's (from oldest down) Shorty, Sapphire, Nameless, Booger, Klutz, Roadie, Red, Barnie, Growler, Sugar, Spike and Tuffy. Shorty just turned 15


jana said...

i just knew there was something wrong since we have'nt seen any writtings from you since january. i know what your going through for i went through for what seems like a very long time with my ever loving husband. he was also very sick. hope things will get better for you. jana

Saku said...

Good to see you back! I hope Mr.s health improves soon. Enjoy all the cats :-)