Bob's cousin T died Wednesday after a 4-year battle with cancer. He'll be buried 80 miles from here today. I planned to attend. I made preparations to attend. I planned other things I can incorporate into my trip to the city.
Got up at 8 with the alarm clock and did my morning things and mapped out my day. I planned to leave about 1PM. Visitation is from 2 - 5, and the funeral at 5. T and I weren't close, but I love his mom, and that's who I'd be there for.
But at 11AM I got overwhelmingly sleepy and I realized that no matter how much caffeine and yerba mate I take today, it would be a miserable 2-hour drive home afterwards.
Maybe it's the four days in a row I've spent in the sun, three of them helping Val and Tommy build a fence and one in the middle dealing with my own yarden, maybe it's the fact that now that school is out I'm not eating as much protein as I was... maybe it's a warning sign from The Gods that if I go today I'll be caught up in a huge karmic traffic snarl, or worse. Whatever it is, I guess I won't be going, and for that I'm sorry.
Couple hours later...
I've been in the yarden, pulling up gallinsoga and trimming all the weeds around the plants; now I'm good & sweaty and can't go anywhere, especially not in a dress.
It's not that anyone will remark that I'm not there; indeed, they'd be more likely to remark if I am, since (1) T and I aren't close; T and Bob aren't real close (2) it's quite a distance & my finances are perceived to be limited (by everyone but me, it seems) (3)?
Whatever, if I did attend I think they'd be surprised, pleasantly, but nonetheless... but I won't be going. I did make all sorts of preparations, even vigorously treating the poison ivy I have on a toe, so I wouldn't have trouble wearing sandals for a few hours.
My cough is almost gone. The doc I saw Tuesday said my lungs sound good, no antibiotics necessary, so I guess my own home remedies knocked it out, if in fact I did have the "puny moanie." I took a large dose of echinacea one day, and then an L-Lysine supplement for a week.
Although I'd like to use Google+ instead (and do have an account, but it's lonely over there - lol) Facebook seems to have taken the place of email for me. I do a status update pretty much daily, and if you're my friend and dig into the "info" page you can find my phone number as well as a link to this blog, though not many people check out the blog. My dad looks at it now and then, but I think for the most part my readers are knitters connecting from Ravelry or others who surfed in by chance and stayed. As far as email, facebook, blogging, and all else net-wise goes, I really need to make some effort to stay in touch with people I know who still don't use computers. I think about that now and then, but then I don't do anything about it. I'm actually more likely to send a letter or package to someone I see on Facebook every day... sad, innit?
And now I've run out of stuff to say. It really is beginning to look like a lazy old day.
I'm here...and sweaty as you. Garden is in full swing. Spinach, cabbage, broccoli all harvested making room for the green beans and butterbeans. Strawberries finished up suddenly. The rain followed by the hot sun did them in. Leather rot and anthranose(sp?) hit hard. S'okay. I'd been strawberried to death for four weeks. Two short rows were yielding a gallon and a half to two gallons of berries a day! Enough already. Glad your cough is better. Pewmony ain't no fun. Breathing is.
you've got browser tracking blocked, so I can't tell where you are - are you the Gin I know IRL? One of the few people I know on Google+?
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