14 July 2008

slowly reeling in the Labor Day weekend

Day one of week two is done.

Time goes in tomorrow, Wednesday begins a new payweek. To celebrate getting a "ringer" I'll start taking myself out to eat on Tuesdays. Too many dinners of sardines and crackers and rice is getting old.

On the homefront, th'Mr and his buddy JE have finished stripping off the old walls and are putting up vinyl siding. I'm getting progress photos mailed to my phone daily.

I've been leaving the SKP at work and working on the latch-hook rug at the apartment. Tried on the SKP and it's a bit snug, so I've decided it's for the grandniece and just now popped online to check out the Brannock measuring device to see how long a child's size 11 foot is.

I am probably about ready for the toe on sock #1 and today --during breaks@work-- knit the cuff on #2.

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