07 April 2007

It's snowing.

It's snowing, and has been since yesterday afternoon. I've taken the covers off the plants to let them get a little sunlight, but as soon as the quilts run through the dryer one time I'm taking them back outside and cover the plants again. The basil looks a little frostbit.

Booger (pictured here) passed his dr exam yesterday with flying colors; feline leukemia negative. So far we're two for four. Cuz has an appointment Tuesday.

Winston is gaining weight slowly (and varying a half pound throughout the day, which I suppose depends on how long it's been since his last litterbox visit) and this morning weighed eleven pounds even. He seems to have a good appetite, but for the last couple of days is doing something weird with his tongue --sticking it out over and over again-- like it's sore.

This morning he was drooling a little, so maybe he's eaten something bitter, or maybe the bird feathers all around under the kitchen table have something to do with it. Or maybe he has a bad tooth. Klutz drooled a lot right before she lost teeth.

Last night was knit night at Coffee Tree Books; I had a good time. Worked on my aran sweater for one row (till I'd messed it up) and then got on the gusset decreases of the second twisted rib sock.

I'll have to buy more yarn when we go to Lexington; apparently 50gm of Paton's Kroy Jacquards won't make a sock with a decent length cuff that's also long enough to fit my foot. I don't guess I'll be able to match the dye lot; well, we'll see what comes up. The Stitch Niche is closed on Mondays, Cuz' appointment is Tuesday, so Wednesday we'll see.

Today's mail brought yarn from the Socks for Soldiers program; 150gm of Knit Picks in black. It's soooo soft. I look forward to knitting it up.

I hate this war and wish it wasn't, but if I can make one of our kids "over there" more comfortable, I will.

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